Midlands Veterans Track and Field League

I’m pleased to announce that we’ve been accepted into the Midlands Veterans Track and Field League. The league holds four fixtures between April and August on Wednesday or Thursday evenings featuring a range of events. A veteran is classed as 35 or over. Peter Darwen will be our team captain but supported by myself and Steve Jones. We’ll be working together to find our feet as we embark on a new challenge for members to try.
We’ll be in the South division alongside Bromsgrove & Redditch AC, Droitwich AC, Halesowen AC, Midland Masters AC, Sparkhill Harriers, Stratford Upon Avon AC and Worcester AC.
Although the league is obviously a competition, the aim of us joining the league is for a wide range of members to feel they can come and have a go at track and field events as something a little different or a new personal challenge. The primary focus will be on the ‘running’ track events, but members can take part in the field events. There are no plans to take this further and develop into a full track/field or athletics club. We’re hoping that after the success of the regular Wednesday night BPJ track session, this will prove popular.
The league is open to all first claim affiliated members of Black Pear Joggers. We can have up to 3 second claim members as long as the first claim club isn’t already in the league (e.g. if you’re first claim to Worcester AC and second claim BPJ, you must compete for them, not us). If you’re a ‘basic’ member, you would need to upgrade your membership and pay the England Athletics registration fee. To do this, please contact our membership secretary Steve McNelis.
- April 27th – Redditch
- June 15th – Redditch
- July 20th – Stratford-upon-Avon
- August 10th – Worcester (at Stourport)
Interested in taking part?
Pop the fixtures in your calendar, have a think about the types of event you would like to take part in and then complete the Veterans Track League Interest Form. We’ll get in touch closer to the fixture dates to confirm the team rosters.
There’s a mixture of events at each fixture and only one person from each club can take part in each event, so it will take some planning. Members can compete in a younger category but not an older one, e.g. a 42 year old can compete in V35, V40 and V50 events, but not V60. You can check out past results to get an idea of what events are held at each fixture.
Please bear with us while we work out the best way to ensure as many members can take part in events in a fair way.
Helpers needed
As part of joining the league, we will also need to supply volunteers to help out at each event. You can still compete and help out and volunteers will get plenty of support, you just need to be willing. There’s a range of official courses that you can take part in including track judge, field judge, starter/starter’s assistant, timekeeper, photo-finish and race walking official.
We’re waiting for further dates on official courses, but in the meantime please get in touch with me [email protected] if you’re willing to help out.
I’ll send out further information about the league in due course.