BPJ club runs over the Christmas period

Posted by Stuart Munday
Saturday 17th December 2022 4:48pm
As I know you will all be anxious to get out running over the Christmas period the following summarises the organised club runs available over the Christmas period.
- Monday 19th - normal 7pm runs from OEs
- Tuesday 20th - normal 7pm runs from the Riverside PLUS 6pm night run at Croome - advanced entry only through Entry Central ("Croome by night") - cost is £8 and includes a medal and hot drink afterwards (don't forget to charge up your lights)
- Wednesday 21st - normal 7pm track session at Nunnery Wood
- Thursday 22nd - normal 7pm runs from Perdiswell Leisure Centre
- Saturday 24th - parkrun at Worcester Woods and Pitchcroft
- Sunday 25th - parkrun at Worcester Woods
- Monday 26th - no runs
- Tuesday 27th - Christmas Mug Run at 11am. Please look at the Events page on the BPJ Facebook page for details
- Wednesday 28th - normal 7pm track session at Nunnery Wood followed by drinks at the Oak Apple. Running beforehand isn't compulsory!
- Also the first of the Champions League fixtures at the Hereford Christmas 10K
- Thursday 29th - normal 7pm runs from Perdiswll Leisure Centre
- Saturday 31st - parkrun at Worcester Woods and Pitchcroft
- Sunday 1st Jan - parkrun at Pitchcroft AND the first Sunday Long Run organised by Gareth Larner Paterson (which may incorporate Pitchcoft parkrun - watch out for the event update on Facebook)
- Monday 2nd - 11am club runs from OEs with the bar open afterwards
- Tuesday 3rd onwards - back to normal
Hopefully there is something for everybody who wants to run!
Merry Christmas one and all