Hello all members of the Black Pear Joggers,

It has come to that time of year again where you get the chance to have your say, on any matter in which the way the club is run at the club AGM.

The AGM will be held on November 20th 7:30pm at

Old Elizabethans Cricket Club
Droitwich Road

We are looking for someone to fill a new position in the club as;

Race report correspondent’

The role being ,Gathering information from members who have participated in races/events and getting a report from them to put on our Facebook group / social media / press, wherever they can to promote good feeling and pride within the club.

Should you be interested in this role then please inform a member of the committee. Please notify us no later than 4th November 2019.

Should there be anything you would like to be discussed on the night at the AGM then now is the time to inform us , we will discuss subjects put forward before the meeting but not any put out on the night so please feel free to send an email to our club secretary Claire Shacklock; secretarybpj@gmail.com with your thoughts/proposals.


1. Welcome

2. Apologies

3. Approval of last years minutes.

4. Re-election of officers On the committee.

5. Departure of Officers.

6. Members proposals.

7. Voting in new position of Race Report Correspondent.

8. Vote on Changes to Club ballot for London Marathon places rules. Club vest to be worn or no entry into the ballot! (Club place means club vest).

9. Treasurers Report.

10. Chairman’s overview Report.