
Its the start of the month and time for an update,

First of all it was good to see so many of you taking part in the Stuart Wild Memorial Race on SUNDAY 21ST JULY. Thank you to Gavin and his team and all who took part in this event.  Well done to Ian Wild for finishing his first Marathon it’s great to have you around the club.

The summer ball has been cancelled; this is mainly due to lack of tickets sales and maybe an event too far for 2013.  I am sure it will bounce back next year to fill the void.

After the amount of races in July, August falls a bit flat of running events, but as most of you are on holiday or losing yourself in the ever increasing labyrinth tent of the Worcester Beer Festival. It’s nice for the club to be running at Croome Park on Monday 12th August at 7pm.  This year I am glad to have a few other people who know the 6.2mile-ish route with a few shortcuts back to the car park.   The race looks like to go ahead again this year in November. More info will follow once we have the race licence.

It’s been great to see new people leading different running groups on a Monday night. This will help us in the winter when we would like to think that the maximum number of runners in a group is no bigger than 15. More groups the better please

Sunday runs I believe have become a bit disjointed and we are looking for a regular Sunday morning runner to help us with an idea of a router.  This would give a few people the chances to share routes and to help with water points etc. All routes would also be on the website, if you think you can help us with this, please let us know. (Thanks)

There have been a few iPods/music players making reappearances on a Monday night I would like to ask people who wear them on Monday night NOT TO. They are putting theirselves and other at risk. We are a social club and it’s also important that all members can hear the group leader at all times.

Enjoy your running,


Mike Lane