Just a reminder that the club’s annual general meeting (AGM) takes place on Monday 21st November 2016. It will start at 8:15pm prompt and will be held at:
Royal British Legion
Cornmeadow Lane, Claines
Worcester, WR3 7RL
The AGM is open for all club members to come along and have your say on important club matters. There will be some food provided, so please reply to this email to let us know if you will be attending, so we can cater for the correct amount.
Here is some more information about the AGM from the club constitution:
- The annual report will be ready and discussed
- The audited accounts will be presented
- The officers (committee members) will be elected
- Motions to be discussed must be submitted in writing to the club secretary at least 14 days before the meeting.
- Standing orders or rules may be changed by a majority decision of members in attendance.
- The Annual General Meeting shall elect from those present a Returning Officer to oversee any elections conducted at the meeting.
- Only members of eighteen years of age and over will be eligible to vote.
- The chairman shall have the casting vote.
You can also follow the Facebook event page to keep up with any announcements if you’re unable to make any club runs before the AGM and have any questions, or just ping me an email if you have any questions.
Hope to see you there.
All the best,
Paul Evans
Black Pear Joggers