Hi all,
Following recent notification from our supplier about price increases, we have had to review the prices for club t-shirts and vests.
The supplier has not increased the cost of kit since 2014 however have now been hit with two different increases to their costs. The cost of the materials for both items has increased at the same time as the company that did their printing going out of business. They have sourced a new print partner who is adding the logo etc at a high quality but the cost for doing this has increased by over 50%
We have worked with the supplier to keep increases as low as is possible to ensure the impact on members is kept to a minimum. As a club, we make no money on these items and pass them on to members at the prices we are paying.
The new price for vests will be £19.00 (previously £17.50) and for t-shirts £22.50 (previously £21.00)
I am pleased to advise that the new design hoodies are now available to order via the kit page on the BPJ website at a price of £22.50 for overhead and £25.50 for fully zipped.
The website kit section has been updated to reflect the above new prices.
If you have any queries about kit please email Glyn at [email protected]