We’re pleased to announce the return of BPJ group runs. There are now a range of groups available for members to book on to using the new Wix app (instructions below).
As the club is following current government recommendations and England Athletics advice that groups should be limited to no more than 6 people, normal club runs are not yet available. However, group leaders will now be taking a range of pace groups throughout the week starting from different times and locations. The group should ensure they’re following social distancing guidance.
After researching potential systems that will allow the safe meeting of members, we’ve set up on the Wix platform. Using the app:
- Members can easily see a list of groups available
- Leaders can list their own groups at times and locations to suit them
- Members can potentially find groups closer to them
- Locations can be kept private and sent out to the runners beforehand
- Numbers in a group can be limited to 6 (the leader plus 5 runners)
- Members can get in touch with the group leader to ask any questions
- Members can easily book and cancel a place on a group
This is a trial, so please bear with us as there may be some teething problems. Booking via a web page will be available soon for any members without a smartphone. We would appreciate any feedback once you’ve tried it out.
Groups currently available
We currently have the following groups this week. Check the app using the instructions below for availability and for any additional groups throughout the week. If you would like to take a group please get in touch.
- Tuesday 5pm – 9 min/mile for 5 miles with Stuart Munday
- Tuesday 6:45pm – 12 min/miles for 3.5 miles with Jo Evans
- Tuesday 7pm – 9-9:30 min/miles for 10K with Cliff Wood
- Tuesday 7pm – 9:45/10 min/miles for 5+ miles with Andy Southall
- Tuesday 7pm – 12-13 min/mile with Kim Sparkes
- Wednesday 6pm – Efforts session with Claire Shacklock
- Thursday 7pm – 12-13 min/mile with Kim Sparkes
- Friday 5pm – 8:30 min/miles for 6.5 miles with Paul Evans
- Sunday 8am – 7:45-8 min/miles for 10 miles with Paul Evans
Installing and registering
To get started, install the Wix app from your phone’s app store or the following links:
Apple (iOS): https://itunes.apple.com/app/wix/id1099748482?ls=1&mt=8
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wix.android&hl=en
Once installed, register an account using your email address, or through a Facebook/Google account.
Join the group using the invite code emailed out to all members. Please don’t share this code publicly to help keep the group available to members only for safety.
If you book on to a group and are no longer able to make it, please cancel your place as soon as possible to give others the chance to run.
Using the app
The app should be relatively straight-forward to use, but here’s some screenshots of what to expect.

You can sign up using a Facebook/Google account or your email address.

Join using the invite code sent out to all members. Get in touch if you haven’t received this. Please don’t give out the code to non-members.

We’d recommend pressing the Change link and setting your name, so group leaders know who you are. You can do this after in your profile.

From the main app screen you can see any important announcements. Groups are shown further down.

Upcoming groups will show here. Press View Calendar to see all available groups. Groups may change on a regular basis.

Press Book next to any group to book on. Locations will be shown as vague locations such as Worcester, TBC, St. John’s. Once booked on, the leader will let you know where to meet. This is to keep the group safe.

Further details will show when you tap the session. Press Book Now to confirm.

The confirmation message will show. You can add this to your calendar for a reminder.

You can go into My Bookings to see any groups you have booked on to.

Please ensure you press Cancel Booking if you’re no longer able to attend. As places are limited per group and leaders may adjust their plans if no other runners are booked on.

The leader will send any important updates to you, including the start location or if they need to cancel. Please check the app messages (bottom speech bubble icon) before travelling to the start location just in case.

You can send a message back to the group leader.
Thank you to Laura Plummer for suggesting this platform, the committee for helping set it all up and test it, as well as the group leaders for putting themselves forward to take groups.
We hope that this is positive for many who have missed out running with some company or struggled to motivate themselves to get out running.
All the best,
Mark, Claire, Nick, Glyn, Ruth, Michelle, Avril, Gay, Steve, Stuart, Jo and Paul
BPJ Committee