The Black Pear Joggers summer ball was a huge success. With a pig roast, DJ sets, rocking live music from ‘Breach of the Peace’, lots of dancing (including a conga line!) , everyone looked like they were having great fun.
With a dress code of ‘black ties and posh frocks’, everyone scrubbed up a treat, especially when usually seeing each other all sweaty, dressed in fluorescent running gear.
The ball raised around£1,000 for St. Richard’s Hospice through charity auctions and collections, with some great prizes. Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who donated prizes to the auction.
Also, a big thanks to the club’s social secretary Gavin Paskin, who did a fantastic job of organising the ball. The ball marks the end of Gavin’s tenure as social secretary. He will be stepping down after over 3 years of doing a great job organising social events for the club.
Bring on the Christmas party!