Every club should have a Welfare Officer. This role is essential in providing a first point of contact for children, parents and adults within the club who have a child or adult safeguarding or welfare concern.
As of october 2015 we have two welfare officers and they just so happen to be a team on and off the committee. Rebekah Dib and husband Carl Jones are the appointed couple and behind the scenes they have been beavering away to ensure that all of their responsibilities are being fulfilled. It wasn’t until they were comfortable that everything was in place, that we wanted to properly advertise their roles and make you more aware of their respective positions.
Bex is ideally placed to fulfil this role as she currently works within education offering teenagers mentoring and support on a 1:1 basis and is fluent in the safeguarding procedures laid down to ensure that vulnerable people are protected. To this end, she is a registered Guide Runner, has completed an England Athletics course specifically with regards to safeguarding adults and is also a Mental Health Ambassador. Make sure you come and meet her at our #runandtalk event on Monday 10th October.
Carl, currently taking a career break as a stay at home dad, complements the role and provides a male spokesperson to ensure we have gender equality. He is well versed in professional practice with particular respect to data protection, confidentiality and offering support.
The 8 specific repsonsibilities are:
- Assist the club to fulfill its responsibilities to safeguard vulnerable adults at club level
- Assist the club to implement its safeguarding vulnerable adults plan at club level
- The first point of contact for everyone where concerns about a vulnerable adult welfare, poor practise or abuse are identified. Implement the club’s reporting and recording procedures
- Promote the club’s best practice guidance/code of conducts within the club
- Represent welfare on the club’s management committee
- Ensure adherence to the club’s safeguarding training
- Ensure appropriate confidentiality is maintained
- Promote anti-discriminatory practice
The safeguarding policy has been written and all that remains is for club’s code of conduct and best practise to be advertised through facebook and via email for those not on facebook.
For all other information please contact Rebekah Dib or Carl Jones on: [email protected] This is a personalised email address so concerns can be sent in confidence directly to them.