The next Black Pear Joggers Couch to 5K and 5-10K programmes will start on Monday 4th September. They are fun and completely free to participate in. You don’t need to be a member to take part.

Couch to 5K

Over 9 weeks, participants are led by qualified Leaders and Coaches in Running Fitness going from no running experience to being able to run 5K (that’s just over 3 miles in old money).


Over 9 weeks, led by UKA qualified Leaders in Running Fitness, runners will build their fitness and stamina from being able to run 5K up to 10K. This is ideal for those that have previously taken part in the C25K programme or are already comfortably able to run 5K/parkrun and looking to progress further.

If you’d like to join, simply meet outside Perdiswell Leisure Centre at 6:40pm on Monday 4th September in suitable running kit.

If you would like any more information please email [email protected] or join our Facebook group.