So we haven’t had any ‘official’ Magic Mile sessions for a while. We’ve set some dates in May for you to give them a blast.

What is a Magic Mile?

It’s a chance to see how fast you can run one mile over a flat, measured route.

With the new club standards awards that you can aim toward, there is the opportunity to use your mile time from one of the club Magic Mile events too.

The Dates

  • Monday 8th May, starting 7:30pm at Pitchcroft Grandstand (view route)
    Meet at Perdiswell at the club run at 6:50pm, for warm up run to start (approx. 2 miles)
  • Tuesday 9th May, starting 7:15pm at Diglis Footbridge (view route)
    Meet at University Riverside at 6:50pm for warm up run to start (approx. 1.5 miles)
  • Saturday 13th May, starting at 10:30am at Diglis Footbridge (view route)
    Meet at University Riverside at 10:05am for warm up run to start (approx. 1.5 miles)

There’s a chance we might move the venues around, but will communicate this out closer to the date if this happens.

Please make sure you bring a stopwatch/Garmin to be able to record your time.

We’ll set some more dates later in the year so you can have another shot and see if you’ve improved!

Hope to see you there.