Happy New Year

The party back in December rounded up a great year for the BPJ and it was great to see so many of you enjoying the party at the University Of Worcester. It’s the first time in many years that the uni bar has sold out of Prosecco. I have been told that we are more than welcome to come back this year!

The club’s members have taken part in many different events in 2014 as well as running two events ourselves. Membership keeps growing and I expect a large influx of new members to join over the next few weeks. I would like to ask as many of you as possible to help with the running of the groups. If you know a few routes please try leading a group it’s fun and you can also run at your own pace.

The cross country teams are growing and the last event had over 15 men taking part, the ladies team have moved on from the odd one or two to having a team at most events. All the Birmingham league races are free for BPJ members and the good news is the next race is in Droitwich. All runners must be in club kit, it’s a good challenge and can be muddy. Thanks to our supporters club as well.

As most of you are aware the request to plant a tree for Peter Gilbert in Gheluvelt Park has been granted by the City Council. Two trees have been planted in Peter’s memory, a Black Pear Tree on the bank and a Monkey Puzzle Tree within the main park area.

For those of you doing a spring Marathon I wish you all the best with your training over the next few months. For those people who would like a smaller challenge it would be great to see you at the Crowle 10k on the 10th May. The committee will be meeting in a few weeks if you would like anything to be discussed at this meeting please go to the ‘Contact the Club’ page on the website.

Happy Running in 2015,
