The Black Pear Joggers are looking to hold their 1st annual Awards Night and Spring Ball.
We are looking at potentially holding this event over the early May bank holiday weekend (03/05/19) at Worcester Cricket Club. This will be black tie event will include an awards ceremony, 2 course meal and disco.
With regards to the awards, we are thinking that the Top 2 people who are nominated for each of the awards will be invited as a guest and the cost for everyone else will be between £20-25 per head (this will cover the cost of the food, venue and entertainment for the evening)
Before finalising this, we are looking to see what interest there is so if you are interested in this please can you speak to or message a committee member so we can ascertain a rough idea of numbers. Currently the club committee are looking into the possibility of subsidising the cost of the tickets after agreeing an amount at their next meeting.
This looks like it could be a really good night for people to get some recognition whilst enjoying the ambience of the evening. Please let me or a committee member know and we look forward to hearing from you!